Sustainable Natural Landscape (Natural Assets)
This module provides growers with a framework for managing natural assets across the whole farm to achieve better environmental and production outcomes. The module focuses on the non-cropping areas of the farm identifying legislative requirements and recommended best practices for soil, water and biodiversity.
Both Qld and NSW have legal requirements associated with clearing native vegetation, modifying riverine areas and controlling invasive plants and animals. This module provides information and resources regarding this legislation.
Once you have completed this module to as least level 2, you will have achieved the following:
- Be aware of the relevant environmental legislation
- Maximised groundcover to prevent erosion and improve soil health
- Stabilised riverbanks and waterways to reduce erosion
- Maintained water quality
- Recorded natural features such as riparian areas in farm plans
- Maintained native vegetation diversity and connectivity
- Controlled environmental weeds and feral pests on farm (terrestrial and aquatic)
- Identified sources for carbon sequestration and emissions on farm