Human Resources and Work Health & Safety

The HR & WHS module for myBMP now includes the areas of industrial relations and worker safety in order to assist in managing one of the most valuable assets of a farm business, the people.

Within this module is the guidance to help you firstly meet your legal obligations around employing staff, and secondly, put in place procedures to help you optimise employee productivity in a safe environment.

This module focuses on all aspects of employing staff, whether they are family members, employees or contractors. It offers practical ways to improve your ability to attract, retain, manage and protect your team.

Managing workplace health and safety is an important aspect of all workplaces.

Safety includes both physical environments and positive workplace culture to support and mange mental health. Good management of health and safety leads to a workplace team who feel healthy, safe, and supported.

Poor management of health and safety that contributes to an incident can lead to significant impacts and risks to the business. A significant incident can now subject both individual officers of the company and the business to significant fines and imprisonment.

This module is packed full of templates and resources you can download to make the job of staff management a lot easier. These include:

  • Summary of current employment legislation;
  • Draft position descriptions;
  • Templates for recruitment ads and interview questions;
  • Guidelines on what questions you cannot ask during interview (discrimination);
  • Templates for advising unsuccessful job candidates;
  • Induction templates;
  • Probation periods and reviewing performance templates;
  • Guidelines on and templates for conducting (and recording) a performance review.
  • A workplace Health and Safety Plan and Policy
  • Training requirements
  • Risk assessment to eliminate hazards in the workplace
  • Record keeping

Key Area: Human Resources

Contractors are managed appropriately

Check List:

Level 1

The difference has been established between an employee or contractor

Level 2

An independent contractor will be engaged to perform work under a contract for service

A process is in place for employing people

Check List:

Level 1

Employers must ensure all employees are legally entitled to work in Australia

Level 1

Employers of working holiday makers are legally required to register with the ATO

Level 1

The individual has freely chosen to be employed and is above the minimum working age for your state

Level 3

A formal recruitment process is in place that includes position applications, position description, job applications, interviews, reference checks, notification - successful and unsuccessful

Wages and Conditions - conditions and employee entitlements are in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

Check List:

Level 1

Employees are employed under the appropriate industrial (legal) instrument:

  • Modern Award
  • Enterprise Agreement
  • National Employment Standards - Fair Work Act 2009
Level 1

The business understands and applies the National Employment Standards (NES), with a copy available to all employees on a noticeboard or by electronics means

Level 1

An employer must give each employee the Fair Work Information Statement before, or as soon as possible after the employee starts

Level 1 An employer must give every new casual employee the Casual Employment Information Statement before, or as soon as possible after, they start their new job
Level 1

Employers understand and provide casual employees with the award 'right to request casual conversion' clause within 12 months of commencement

Level 1

Employee records are maintained and kept for seven (7) years

Level 1

Compliant pay slips are provided to employees within one (1) working day of a payment being made

Level 1

The business is complying with their Single Touch Payroll (STP) obligations

Level 2

A probationary period is in place for full and part time employees

Workplace rights - a process is in place to ensure the fair treatment of employees

Check List:

Level 1

Disputes are managed according to:

i.  Model terms for dealing with disputes for enterprise agreements

ii. Provisions in the applicable modern Award

Level 1

An Employer must consult with employees concerning work place changes according to:

i.  Model terms for dealing with disputes for enterprise agreements

ii. Provisions in the applicable modern Award

Level 1

A performance management process is in place

Level 1

A process for responding with a request for flexible work arrangements is in place

Level 1

The business provides a workplace that does not discriminate

Level 2

An anti-discrimination policy is communicated to workers

A process is in place for ending employment

Check List:

Level 1

Employers are aware of the minimum notice periods required for ending the employment relationship

Level 1

Termination of employment is understood and applied correctly - Resignation, Redundancy, Termination

Level 1

Termination payments are calculated correctly and paid within 7 days of their employment ending

Level 3

Exit interviews are conducted with employees upon leaving

Training, career development and farm succession planning

Check List:

Level 3

The transfer of ownership and management of the farm is planned

Level 3 A mentoring process is in place
Level 3

A skills audit has been conducted and staff are provided flexibility to undertake "in house" and or external training

Level 3

An opportunity for a career path development is provided for staff

Key Area: Work Health and Safety

A commitment to work health and safety is shown

Check List:

Level 1

Everyone is aware of the responsibility (duty of care) to make sure that they and other people are safe in the workplace

Level 1

Directors and Officers exercise due diligence to ensure they comply with Work Health and Safety obligations

Level 2

A work health and safety policy, demonstrates a commitment to WHS

Level 3

A formal WHS Management System is in place

Consultation occurs about work health and safety

Check List:

Level 1

There is a duty to document health and safety discussions with the workplace team, an obligation referred to as 'consultation' in the legislation

Level 3

The business has a Workplace Health and Safety Officer (WHSO) / Health and Safety Representative and / or Committee

Employers must manage and control hazards and risks in the workplace

Check List:

Level 1

Workplace hazards must be routinely identified, and risks are continually managed and controlled

Level 1

Risks are assessed, and appropriate control measures are implemented using the hierarchy of control

Level 1

Codes of Practice are considered the minimum standard of achieving the required work health and safety outcomes

A safe working environment is provided

Check List:

Level 1

The business provides and maintains adequate general workplace facilities

Level 1

Suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided, and workers are instructed and trained in its use

Level 1

A process is in place to manage risks to the health and safety of a worker associated with remote or isolated work

Level 1

Processes are in place to manage the risks of hazardous manual tasks

Level 1

A process is in place to manage confined spaces as a high-risk activity

Level 1

A process is in place to manage the risk of falls in the workplace

Level 1

Understand responsibilities under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Chain of Responsibility (CoR)

Level 1

A process is in place to manage the risks associated with asbestos in the workplace

Level 1

A process is in place to manage bullying in the workplace

Level 1 Fostering a cooperative and positive workplace culture, psychosocial hazards are recognised and managed

Workers are capable of performing their job safely

Systems are in place for managing and documenting first aid and injuries in the workplace

Check List:

Level 1

All workplaces must provide first aid equipment, suitable facilities and trained staff who are competent and available to provide first aid

Level 1

A procedure is in place to report notifiable incidents

A system is in place for workers compensation and return to work

Check List:

Level 1

The business has a current Workers Compensation Policy that reflects the current workplace

Level 1

The injured at work poster is displayed in the workplace (New South Wales only)