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Come Clean Go Clean


Come Clean Go Clean is one of the simplest yet most effective strategies for minimising the spread of weeds, diseases and pests. With the increase in prevalence of glyphosate resistant weeds, the mealy bug outbreak on the downs and constant threats from disease it is important that we all pay particular attention to ensuring vehicles and equipment entering farms are thoroughly washed down prior to gaining access. This is important right now as pickers and associated equipment move from one region to another, from one farm to another and from one field to another. It is very easy to move weed seeds, soil particles and crawlers for one farm to another resulting in the rapid spread of difficult to control pest species throughout the industry.


View Come Clean Go Clean video (67.8MB)


Practising good farm hygiene will help prevent the entry and spread of diseases, weeds and pests onto your farm. These pests will impact on your business so you need to make sure that Come Clean Go Clean is part of your business.

Stop the spread of diseases!

Stop the spread of weed seeds!

Stop the spread of insect pests!

Including endemic diseases (eg. fusarium) & exotic diseases

Including new species and herbicide resistant plants

Including endemic pests (eg. mealybugs) & exotic species.

Step 1: Wash down

Park on a clean wash down pad where contaminants can be trapped.

Apply high pressure water to all surfaces to remove all trash and mud, being sure to get into crevices where residual mud or trash might be trapped. Don’t forget to clean out the inside of the cab and vehicle foot pedals and other surfaces that have come into contact with dirty footwear.

Step 2: Decontaminate

Apply decontaminant (e.g. 10% water dilution of Castrol Farmcleanse or equivalent) liberally to all surfaces especially areas that were dirty.

Also decontaminant mats, tools and footwear. Leave the decontaminant to work for 10 minutes unless directed otherwise by the label.

Step 3: Final Rinse

Rinse decontaminant

Clean all mud off the pad with high pressure water so it is clean for the next person and that mud & debris isn’t picked up by wet tyres. Where equipment has not been cleaned down on farm, thoroughly inspect to ensure cleanliness



Come clean Go clean takes commitment especially during busy periods such as harvesting.

The risks are real, so ensure that all equipment and people stop and clean down.



Well designed signage informs visitors that Come Clean Go Clean is important and they share responsibility for protecting the farm from risk.

Signs should be placed at all external entrances, directing visitors to have clean vehicles and to contact the farm office before entering.

Come Clean Go Clean requirements should be communicated with contractors and consultants well in advance.



On farm facilities allow farm employees, contractors and visitors to clean their vehicle and equipment in an easy to manage area where waste water can be contained. Facilities should be readily accessible, have sealed or packed gravel surface, access to high pressure water, washdown product and power, and be away from production areas and not drain into waterways or cropping areas.


For more information go to or please contact

D&D team disease & biosecurity lead Susan Maas 0477344214

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