Energy Efficiency

The Energy Efficiency module contains excellent resources and knowledge that will help you optimise your energy inputs, namely fuel and electricity, and the use of natural resources, such as nitrogen and carbon.  

This module contains best practice information on:

  • Assessing and improving machinery performance;
  • Assessing and improving irrigation pump performance and efficiency.

Key Area: Farm energy inputs

Monitoring farm energy usage

Check List:

Level 2

When purchasing liquid fuels consideration is given to:

  • buying strategy,
  • storage life of fuel (e.g. old fuel),
  • fuel quality
Level 3

Seasonal forecasting and multi-week weather models are used to prepare the farm for high energy demands (e.g. flood harvestable rain, heat waves resulting in periods of high energy use)

Key Area: Energy efficient practices have been implemented on farm

Irrigation pump stations are well designed

Check List:

Level 2

New pump stations (pump and engine) are the best design and type for the farming system and where possible are overseen by a qualified person

Level 2

New irrigation pumps are placed at an appropriate height, ensuring there is no high suction pressure which can lead to cavitation and impeller damage 

Level 2

Well-designed pipelines in system upgrades:

  • suction pipe entries are properly designed (e.g. large and smooth) and screens are appropriately sized for debris
  • suction pipe diameters are sufficient in diameter (e.g. larger than discharge diameter)
  • discharge pipe is appropriately sized
Level 3

All new and upgraded pump stations have been designed by a qualified person

Irrigation pump performance is measured

Check List:

Level 2 Regular pump maintenance is undertaken
Level 3 Water pumped (ML) is estimated for each irrigation pump and matched for energy use (kWh or diesel litres per ML). A record is kept.

Optimising energy usage in tractors

Check List:

Level 2

Tractor operations take in account:

  • working depth to ensure optimum energy efficiency,
  • optimising number of farming operations
Level 2

Tractor tyre pressure is adjusted for tractor activity

Level 2

Tractors are monitored for fuel usage (e.g. fuel records are used to monitor fuel consumption)

Level 2

Tractor drivers are aware of farms fuel efficiency gains through adaptive driving (e.g. adaptive driving to suit field conditions)